class TemplateModel extends BaseModel (View source)
Simple model that represents a template.
The constructor of a Klaviyo data model.
PHPs magic get method to provide access to our protected attributes.
PHPs magic set method to provide access to our mutable attributes.
Helper method to create the data model.
Helper method to create the data model from a JSON array.
Retrieve an HTML object from the specified string.
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__construct(array $configuration)
The constructor of a Klaviyo data model.
PHPs magic get method to provide access to our protected attributes.
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__set($property, $value)
PHPs magic set method to provide access to our mutable attributes.
static KlaviyoModel
create(array $configuration = array())
Helper method to create the data model.
static KlaviyoModel
createFromJson(array $json = '')
Helper method to create the data model from a JSON array.
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setHtml(DOMDocument|string $value)
Set the html value.
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getHtmlObjectFromString(string $content)
Retrieve an HTML object from the specified string.