class BaseModel implements ModelInterface (View source)

The base Klaviyo data model.


__construct(array $configuration = array())

The constructor of a Klaviyo data model.


PHPs magic get method to provide access to our protected attributes.

__set($property, $value)

PHPs magic set method to provide access to our mutable attributes.

static KlaviyoModel
create(array $configuration = array())

Helper method to create the data model.

static KlaviyoModel
createFromJson(array $json = '')

Helper method to create the data model from a JSON array.




Convert the model to an array.


at line line 26
__construct(array $configuration = array())

The constructor of a Klaviyo data model.


array $configuration The key, value pair array to use for populating the data model.

at line line 37

PHPs magic get method to provide access to our protected attributes.



at line line 48
$this __set($property, $value)

PHPs magic set method to provide access to our mutable attributes.



Return Value


at line line 65
static KlaviyoModel create(array $configuration = array())

Helper method to create the data model.


array $configuration The key, value pair array to use for populating the data model.

Return Value

KlaviyoModel An instance of the Klaviyo data model.

at line line 78
static KlaviyoModel createFromJson(array $json = '')

Helper method to create the data model from a JSON array.


array $json The configuration json to use for populating the data model.

Return Value

KlaviyoModel An instance of the Klaviyo data model.

at line line 89


at line line 98

Convert the model to an array.