class ListModel extends BaseModel (View source)
Simple model for a Klaviyo "List".
__construct(array $configuration)
The constructor of a Klaviyo data model.
PHPs magic get method to provide access to our protected attributes.
from BaseModel
__set($property, $value)
PHPs magic set method to provide access to our mutable attributes.
from BaseModel
static KlaviyoModel
create(array $configuration = array())
Helper method to create the data model.
from BaseModel
static KlaviyoModel
createFromJson(array $json = '')
Helper method to create the data model from a JSON array.
from BaseModel
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__construct(array $configuration)
The constructor of a Klaviyo data model.
PHPs magic get method to provide access to our protected attributes.
__set($property, $value)
PHPs magic set method to provide access to our mutable attributes.
static KlaviyoModel
create(array $configuration = array())
Helper method to create the data model.
static KlaviyoModel
createFromJson(array $json = '')
Helper method to create the data model from a JSON array.
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