class CampaignService extends BaseService (View source)

The campaign manager class used to handle campaigns.


__construct(KlaviyoApi $api)

The constructor for the list manager class.

create(KlaviyoApi $api)

Instantiates a new instance of this class.


Retrieve the full resource path.

getCampaign(string $id)

Retrieve a specific campaign from Klaviyo.

createCampaign(array $configuration)

Create a new campaign.

sendCampaignImmediately(string $id)

Send a campaign immediately.

scheduleCampaign(string $id, DateTime $send_time)

Schedule a campaign for a time in the future.


in BaseService at line line 28
__construct(KlaviyoApi $api)

The constructor for the list manager class.


KlaviyoApi $api The Klaviyo API object to use for communicating with the Klaviyo API.

in BaseService at line line 35
static create(KlaviyoApi $api)

Instantiates a new instance of this class.


KlaviyoApi $api

in BaseService at line line 46
string getResourcePath($resource)

Retrieve the full resource path.



Return Value

string The full resource path incuding the resource prefix and resource path. Example: /api/v1/lists

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CampaignModel getCampaign(string $id)

Retrieve a specific campaign from Klaviyo.


string $id The id for which to retrieve a campaign.

Return Value

CampaignModel The campaign object retrieved by the specified id.

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CampaignModel createCampaign(array $configuration)

Create a new campaign.


array $configuration An array of configuration parameters for the new campaign.

Allowed elements: * listid: string The ID of the List object you will send this campaign to. * templateid: string The ID of the Email Template object that will be the content of this campaign. Note the Email Template is copied when creating this campaign, so future changes to that Email Template will not alter the content of this campaign. * fromemail: string The email address your email will be sent from and will be used in the reply-to header.fromnamestringThe name or label associated with the email address you're sending from. * subject: string * name (optional): string A name for this campaign. If not specified, this will default to the subject of the campaign. * usesmartsending (optional): boolean If set, limits the number of emails sent to an individual within a short period. If not specified, defaults to True. * addgoogleanalytics (optional): boolean If specified, adds Google Analytics tracking tags to links. If not specified, defaults to False.

Return Value

CampaignModel The newly created campaign object.

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array sendCampaignImmediately(string $id)

Send a campaign immediately.


string $id The id of the campaign to send immediately.

Return Value

array The response from the api.

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array scheduleCampaign(string $id, DateTime $send_time)

Schedule a campaign for a time in the future.


string $id The id of the campaign to send immediately.
DateTime $send_time A future date and time to send the campaign.

Return Value

array The response from the api.